Download and complete our registration form and return by post or email to secure your child's place at Belton pre-school. We will do our best to accommodate your wishes on the sessions that you'd like but it may not always be possible.
A registration fee of £50.00 is payable on completion of the registration form, this fee includes a Belton Pre-school branded Polo shirt for your child to wear and a Belton Pre-school branded bag. This is non-refundable. For children who are fully funded there is an administration fee of £25.00 on completion of the registration form.

Our hourly rate for all children is £6.95
Our funded hours (if eligible) can be claimed between 9am and 3pm
If prebooked, 8-9am and/or 3-4 pm is payable at our hourly rate of £6.95
Afternoon care can often be available on Tuesday and Thursday from 4pm to 5pm, if numbers are sufficient. Please enquire for further information
Consumables Charge - £3.50-£5.00 (to cover costs of consumables, subject to annual review)
We hope that you will agree that our fees still offer good value for money, and are very competitive for the area.
The funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds is available at the beginning of the term after their 3rd birthday. Please get in touch to find out more about your funding options or to obtain a funding application form.
To request more information on any of the points covered please contact the Pre-school office, Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm
Call 01572 718744 or email team@beltonpreschool.com